Our intrepid singers are off to Siberia – well, Russia really…and the Diaghilev Festival in Perm where they will perform exerpts of Arvo Pärt‘s Kanon Pokajanen together with motets by Brahms, Bruckner and Rachmaninov. Most of the group set out from Dublin with the rest departing from London.
Several of the singers will be sending little blogs and photos of their journey and experience over the next five days which we’ll update here on the Chamber Choir Ireland website. Here’s the first from one of our altos, Laura:
June 25th @11am
On the train to Heathrow with Miles Lallemant(charming counter-tenor).
We are relieved to see that the Dublin crew have made it to Paris this morning, things were looking a little bit dodgy with the French air strike.
London crew all checked in. Heathrow airport must have known we were coming, they had the baby grand piano ready and waiting…..too good an opportunity to miss we thought! (It was the only music we could find in our hand luggage)
Looking forward to being reunited with our team, Moscow here we come!