Chamber Choir Ireland is the country’s national chamber choir and, since its inception, has set out in its governing document its main objective:

To promote the advancement of choral singers, choral singing, choral composition and any related cultural matter as the Company may from time to time think fit.

This frames the vision, mission, and value statements for Chamber Choir Ireland as set out in its Strategy 2020-2025 – Sonic Adventures in Choral Music:


Our vision is to be embedded in the heart of Ireland’s musical life, as a beacon of excellence in creative music-making, and to be a respected cultural ambassador on the international stage.


Our mission is to move, challenge and inspire audiences through innovative programming, and excellence in performance. We commit to continually engaging with audiences and artists in order to be a key contributor to the development of choral music.

Our Values:

Throughout all of our work and at every point of contact internally and externally, CCI will ensure

  • Excellence in the artists we work with, the people we employ, in how we sound, in how we look, in where we perform, in where we rehearse, in our printed material and online presence;
  • Artistic Integrity in every programme, every performance and in every learning and participation event;
  • Professional Integrity with our stakeholders ensuring continued good governance and compliance;
  • Accessibility for diverse audiences through cost, venues, locations, and in all aspects of employment and artistic engagement;
  • Dignity & Respect in the workplace among employees, artists, contractors and volunteers, and to our public;
  • Sustainability in reducing our environmental impact.

Chamber Choir Ireland is governed by a voluntary Board of Directors/Charity Trustees:

Mark Armstrong
Triona Ferriter
Scott Hayes
Pawel Krzysiek
Susan Lannigan (Chair)
Clodagh Logue
Alastair Rankin
Ian Smith
Louise Whyte

Company secretary: David Darcy

And authority is delegated to a Management and Executive team to deliver the objectives of the organisation:

Majella Hollywood (CEO)
David Darcy (Operations’ Manager)
Aoife Cuthbert (Marketing and Development Manager)
Conleth Stanley (Production Co-ordinator)

Full biographies of Directors are available here.

Charities Governance Code

Chamber Choir Ireland confirms that it is committed to good governance and is fully compliant with the Charities Governance Code for in Ireland at the higher standard for more complex charities.  The organisation complies with all regulatory requirements and operates in accordance with its Constitution.

Annual Report and Audited Accounts

Chamber Choir Ireland keeps detailed books and records of accounts and maintains strict financial controls. Audited accounts are prepared in accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP).
The organisation is transparent in its Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements (available below).

Audited Accounts 31 December 2023

Audited Accounts 31 December 2022

Audited Accounts 31 December 2021

Audited Accounts 31 December 2020

Audited Accounts 31 December 2019

Salary bands disclosure:
€60-€70k – 1 staff member
€40-€50k – 2 staff members

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Chamber Choir Ireland is committed to equality, diversity and inclusion in all aspects of its work. In 2022, Chamber Choir Ireland partnered with the Irish Chamber Orchestra to develop an EDI policy which responds to the commitments outlined in the Arts Council’s Equality, Human Rights and Diversity (EHRD) Policy, as well as existing equality legislation, including the Employment Equality and Equal Status Acts, specifically in relation to promoting equity of opportunity, across the nine grounds of gender, civil status, family status, sexual orientation, religious belief, age, disability, race, membership of the Traveller community, and including the tenth ground of socio-economic status. Fundamentally, Chamber Choir Ireland believes that diversity enriches and enhances the classical music artform, and contributes to its vibrancy and uniqueness.

Our Policy was developed in 2022 in partnership with the Irish Chamber Orchestra through funds from the Arts Council’s Capacity Building Programme.

Policies & Procedures

CCI Customer Charter
CCI Donor Charter
CCI Feedback & Complaints Procedure
CCI Safety Statement
CCI Child Safeguarding Statement
CCI Dignity & Respect in the Workplace Policy
CCI Equality Statement
CCI Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy