chOirland at the Arvo Pärt Centre, Estonia

Arvo Pärt Centre, Laulasmaa, Estonia

25 May 2024


David Fennessy (Ireland, b. 1976)chOirland
Eoghan Desmond (Ireland, b. 1989)I am
Arvo Pärt (Estonia, b. 1935)O Holy Father Nicholas
Thomas Tallis (England, 1505-1585)Lamentations of Jeremiah I
Cassandra Miller (Canada, b. 1976)The City, Full of People Commissioned by Louth Contemporary Music Society
Caroline Shaw (USA, b. 1982)How to fold the wind


Chamber Choir Ireland
Eamonn DouganConductor

Ireland's national chamber choir brings a selection of captivating contemporary choral music to Estonia's Arvo Pärt Centre.

Celebrating Pärt himself, Chamber Choir Ireland will perform his subtly unfolding O Holy Father Nicholas—composed for the re-opening of St Nicholas' church at Ground Zero. Destroyed in the September 11th terrorist attacks, the church has now been reborn as a shrine for pilgrims of all religions from all over the world.

The programme also features a 'cacophony of private secrets' in Cassandra Miller's The City, Full of People, a musical dialogue with St. Hildegard in Eoghan Desmond's I am, eccentric Irish-ness in David Fennessy's chOirland, and Caroline Shaw's origami-inspired How to fold the wind.

This performance is made possible by support from Culture Ireland / Cultúr Éireann and the Embassy of Ireland, Estonia.